How to Install WPScan

Step 1: WPScan CLI Scanner

This was the first product developed by WPScan. It is a free WordPress black‑box vulnerability scanner. You can find documentation for it on Github. The CLI scanner can be used on its own but is often used together with the companion WPScan API, as without the API, the scanner doesn’t inform you of vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins and themes.

What does WPScan check for?

Ruby Gem

WPScan is shipped as a Ruby gem, and can be installed with the following command:

gem install wpscan


We also support Docker. Pull the repo with:

docker pull wpscanteam/wpscan

Example Docker command to enumerate usernames:

docker run -it --rm wpscanteam/wpscan --url --enumerate u

Homebrew (macOS)

brew install wpscanteam/tap/wpscan to install the latest stable version

brew install wpscanteam/tap/wpscan --HEAD to install the latest code from the master branch

Updating WPScan

To update the WPScan software:

gem update wpscan

You can install the WPScan CLI Scanner and find it valuable without installing other WPScan components. However, the WPScan API is most often installed as well.

Recommended Step 2: WordPress Vulnerability Database & API

The API collects reports of WordPress vulnerabilities that could be used hand in hand with the CLI scanner. Create an account and receive an API token here. For WPScan to retrieve the vulnerability data an API token must be supplied via the --api-token option, or via a configuration file.

You must send this API token with every request in the Authorization HTTP Header, as seen below.

Authorization: Token token=API_TOKEN

cURL example:

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=API_TOKEN"

Up to 25 API requests per day are given free of charge, that should be suitable to scan most WordPress websites at least once per day. If there is no paid plan, when the daily 25 API requests are exhausted, WPScan will continue to work as normal but without any vulnerability data.

For full technical details, including endpoints and response data, refer to our official API documentation.

Optional Step 3: WPScan WordPress plugin

For site managers who prefer the simplicity of plugins, The WPScan WordPress plugin is also available for enterprise customers and uses your API token directly.

Optional Step 4: Pentesting Integrations

There are many popular distributions and kits that integrate the WPScan options listed above, including Kali Linux, Dradis, BackBox Linux, Pentoo, Samurai WTF, BlackArch, and more.

All set up? 

Here’s a cheat sheet on how to use WPScan. 

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